Alliance Share

Border World Enterprises
Name Border World Enterprises
Ticker -BWE-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-03-03
Closed 2014-06-11
AllianceID 99000434





"Ships can be replaced, isk can be replenished, but knowing someone has your back is priceless"
We follow the NRDS rule (Not Red Don't Shoot) In whole EVE known space.

BWE is a laid-back highsec and an active 0.0 alliance, which tries to cater for all trades of EVE.

We aren't just your typical laid-back alliance. we don't want to boss people around. We're generally very laid back, with the only exception being wartime.

The alliance leadership is arranged through an alliance CEO and a council. The council votes on all matters, and the alliance CEO puts the voted measures into effect. In this way, the leadership is very democratic. Also, there's a vote for all new corp applications, so everyone gets to voice their opinion during the entire alliance process!

If you wish to know more about the alliance, feel free to use the website, or mail one of the following people:

Alliance Diplomats: A

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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