Alliance Share

Limitless Inc.
Name Limitless Inc.
Ticker LI-LE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-03-13
Closed 2014-07-15
AllianceID 99000480





We are looking for corporations who want to be self sufficient in most ways but who might want to share PVP opportunities, null sec operations, wormhole space, and war defense. The alliance is open to new corporations, newbies, experienced players, industrialists, explorers, and combat pilots. We have genuince opportunities for all these people.

Individual pilots should apply to for membership.

Corporations should apply to Limitless Inc. Any size corporation is welcome. We are especially interested in groups who want autonomy within the alliance but might want to share ops together, especially for activities like PvP that are difficult for small to mid size corps to sustain. We do not believe in centralized alliances that turn the game into a second job or a business, and there are no fees for membership.

We are Not Red Don't Shoot. This means that we don't shoot neutrals in any part of space except wormhole space. We have an extensive list of red targets, however. We do allow pilots in low sec to respond to yellow-boxing if necessary, but otherwise we do not shoot unless we are attacked first. Once we are attacked by your corporation, we will set you hostile and shoot on sight.

We fly regular PvP operations in Great Wildlands, center most of our industrial activities in Molden Health and Heimatar, and welcome any interested corps or individual pilots to join us.

Alliance Executor - /
Alliance Diplomat - Hanafax Nazarael
Alliance Recruitment - Selective

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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