Alliance Share

Wonder Kids
Name Wonder Kids
Ticker -ISK-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-03-24
Closed 2015-06-30
AllianceID 99000517





Wonder Kids is an Empire based, profit-oriented alliance.

Corporations are ultimately responsible for their own growth and development. Policies that affect the whole are discussed by the Alliance leadership team and decided upon (while seeking consensus) by the alliance leader.

Wonder Kids will:

- Remain Non political (no faction warfare)
- Be member service oriented (we want members to work less for the Alliance and more for themselves)
- Engage in fair corporate contracting
- Provide for the common defense (Eve can be a harsh, cruel world)

Wonder Kids does have monthly alliance dues.

For diplomatic matters convo or email

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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