Alliance Share

Damned Nation
Name Damned Nation
Ticker DAMN
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-03-31
Closed 2013-03-02
AllianceID 99000543

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [76]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
WNxBuBBA CorpDead BUBBO 0 2011-05-18 01:28:00 2011-05-21 01:15:56
HAMPSTERS OF DOOM HMPS 1 2011-06-20 01:14:00 2011-06-23 22:24:39
The so-so of EVE SO-SO 5 2011-06-29 20:23:00 2011-07-20 04:25:36
The Irken Armada GIRZ 1 2011-04-17 06:13:00 2011-08-04 09:22:01
L.R.O.Dead L.R.O 0 2011-06-10 08:35:00 2011-08-15 16:06:08
Fox Clan F 0 X 37 2011-06-18 21:51:00 2011-09-03 20:50:38
Sundown Logistics -SDL- 17 2011-05-06 03:25:00 2011-09-11 01:47:06
Draconic Consortium of Crimson Knights DCOCK 4 2011-09-06 19:42:00 2011-10-26 15:14:48
Far Quest Innovations FAR Q 7 2011-10-09 20:05:00 2011-11-23 21:36:42
New Legacy Inc.Dead N-LEG 0 2011-04-27 03:41:00 2011-12-30 18:23:39
Templaris Draconis TDRAC 12 2011-11-14 20:07:00 2012-01-28 20:37:59
HAMPSTERS OF DOOM HMPS 1 2011-07-11 23:52:00 2012-01-28 20:37:59
Wolfsdragoner WODRA 11 2011-10-28 05:42:00 2012-01-28 20:37:59
The Warsaw Pact .TWP. 2 2011-12-28 02:47:00 2012-01-29 00:26:02
Koa Mai Hoku .KOA 17 2011-11-01 20:28:00 2012-01-29 01:23:03
SEPTAGON TRANS-ILLUMINATI CORPORATION SEPCO 11 2012-01-03 22:17:00 2012-02-14 21:12:31
Megaton m3 Heavy Industries M3HI 5 2012-01-27 06:23:00 2012-02-27 06:14:37
The Phoenix Uprising Federation TPUF 4 2012-01-09 04:02:00 2012-04-01 01:15:42
Obsidia IndustriesDead ODUST 0 2012-03-19 18:54:00 2012-04-01 17:07:28
Galactic Federation.Dead GFED. 0 2012-03-05 08:10:00 2012-04-05 09:01:02
Shinigami Miners SHIME 1 2011-04-03 09:42:00 2012-04-11 17:49:25
Mures evolDead 10V3 0 2012-02-05 02:53:00 2012-04-12 03:19:30
Fluffy Zomwombats FZWB 1 2012-03-05 08:10:00 2012-05-01 20:29:35
Refine Trade And Transportation RTAT 6 2012-03-14 06:08:00 2012-05-02 04:30:22
Berserking Roid Beavers BR-B 5 2011-06-03 14:47:00 2012-05-06 00:44:45
3 Sun Empire .3SE. 3 2012-03-24 23:41:00 2012-05-06 17:50:53
Galactic Miners Guild GALEG 9 2011-10-07 21:13:00 2012-06-10 20:05:36
Varangian Expedition VAREX 1 2012-03-17 08:26:00 2012-06-12 01:32:57
Salient Logistics Inc.Dead SALIE 0 2011-08-17 01:50:00 2012-06-15 01:38:05
Phychosis. PHYCH 1 2012-06-13 19:52:00 2012-06-20 23:41:11
The Star Crusaders T-SCR 6 2012-02-18 01:33:00 2012-06-25 05:13:11
New Legacy Inc.Dead N-LEG 0 2012-01-03 22:17:00 2012-07-01 22:39:56
Phoenix Tactical PHTAC 5 2012-05-18 05:22:00 2012-07-01 22:39:56
Selket Logistics SELK 2 2011-09-29 00:29:00 2012-07-01 22:39:56
Knights of New AtlantisDead KONEA 0 2012-06-21 05:30:00 2012-07-07 03:19:22
Warrior Nation NetworkDead WARNA 0 2011-04-24 00:57:00 2012-07-08 17:12:37
Gravity Mining and Manufacturing Inc -GMMI 1 2012-05-11 02:00:00 2012-07-10 06:09:45
The Unstoppable ForceDead TUF. 0 2012-03-20 05:54:00 2012-07-15 21:06:03
Guardians of Loki GOLU 1 2012-04-02 20:40:00 2012-08-09 18:44:31
Evil .inc DIJIN Twenty Thousand Leagues Out of the SEA. 7 2012-08-15 06:17:00 2012-08-27 22:26:15
The Unlimited Edition .TUE. 6 2012-04-16 17:58:00 2012-08-31 21:27:27
Deep Void Industrial GroupDead DVIG 0 2012-06-21 03:30:00 2012-09-01 18:21:47
Red Hammer Logistics RHIL 5 2011-05-02 16:14:00 2012-10-03 17:12:13
Ffap FFP 2 2012-05-01 20:29:00 2012-10-03 17:12:13
Debent Fanaticus 3.VAG 1 2012-09-19 17:43:00 2012-10-03 18:09:14
The Incredible Force IFOR- 13 2012-02-06 20:24:00 2012-10-03 20:03:15
Nevermined Inc NIMBY 2 2012-04-29 18:58:00 2012-10-03 23:51:16
Alpha Syndicate XA.SX 94 2012-08-18 04:27:00 2012-10-04 07:27:22
Deth MagnetikDead 2DY4 0 2012-08-09 02:06:00 2012-10-04 22:57:35
Seven Trumpets Support Co. 7TSC 3 2012-04-07 20:56:00 2012-10-05 16:48:38
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tengu -TMNT 12 2012-08-11 03:08:00 2012-10-08 03:37:53
Industrial Motivated KillersDead R.P.B 0 2012-08-16 06:52:00 2012-10-17 23:50:33
All Around Research Inc A.OK. 24 2012-07-10 05:10:00 2012-10-20 23:12:14
Dec Shield Ambassador 15.0Dead DEK15 0 2012-10-21 20:25:00 2012-10-22 06:33:48
German Project GEPRO 30 2011-11-17 05:52:00 2012-10-25 19:35:51
Bastards Of New Eden BONE. 14 2011-04-04 03:50:00 2012-10-28 23:37:09
West Coast Red Eye WCRI 25 2012-02-18 23:40:00 2012-10-29 04:22:14
Dead Guy Syndicate DGSYN 8 2012-08-28 02:58:00 2012-11-01 03:38:22
Validation Error -CNV- 3 2012-04-04 01:55:00 2012-11-01 22:38:35
DevilDog Brigade DEVD 6 2012-07-18 01:30:00 2012-11-01 23:35:36
Blessed Fury BD FY 10 2012-03-07 07:38:00 2012-11-04 21:07:54
Deep Void Industrial GroupDead DVIG 0 2012-09-04 04:19:00 2012-11-05 01:52:57
Wyvern Operations WYVOP 1 2012-09-07 00:56:00 2012-11-12 16:20:18
Angels and Devils A.N.D 4 2011-04-01 05:32:00 2012-11-27 18:42:55
Black Fire Foundries B.F.F 11 2012-08-23 08:33:00 2012-12-05 04:31:08
Legion of the Hoard LOTH 8 2012-04-23 05:36:00 2012-12-06 03:26:52
NeoStar Innovations NSINV 2 2012-06-26 05:13:00 2013-02-15 20:05:22
Army of Space Monkeys PHUK 12 2011-04-02 02:39:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
Army of the Damned DMD1S 1 2011-03-31 04:34:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
Inferno Knights of GodDead IKG 0 2012-03-07 07:38:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
BFI FUU2 1 2012-09-25 06:42:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
Bullets of Justice BUJU 6 2011-10-09 03:56:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
Refine Trade And Transportation RTAT 6 2012-05-03 06:17:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
Everyday Normal Guys EDNG 4 2012-01-27 06:23:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
WHITEDEVILS SOULDEAD SS HELSS 10 2011-05-08 03:46:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
Crazy Chipmunks CHIPM 2 2011-12-11 02:49:00 2013-03-02 11:36:08
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