Alliance Share

Red Dwarf Racketeering Division
Name Red Dwarf Racketeering Division
Ticker R2D2
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-04-21
Closed 2015-05-25
AllianceID 99000612





Red Dwarf Racketeering Division (R2D2) is a home for miners, missioners, manufacturers... you know... that sort of EVE player. Wether you want to make insane amounts of ISK or just have some company while you have a beer and mine every last bit of rock out of a belt, R2D2 is with you.

Red Dwarf is the name of an alcoholic drink in the Star Wars cantina. It is also the name of a British sci-fi comedy series. A red dwarf may also be some sort of dying star that's never been seen to burn out, but that's unverifiable as it is not listed in the Junior Colour Encyclopedia of Space.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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