Alliance Share

Name B E A R S
Ticker .I0
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-05-03
Closed 2014-10-06
AllianceID 99000656





The BEARS was originally formed during the Minmatari War of Independence. Composed of patriotic ex-slaves, the BEARth re-entered Matarr space to free their kith and kin. With the price of their blood, they successfully liberated and then defended an Amarrian Slave Colony for several days, giving many thousands of Matari the chance to escape and their first taste of freedom.

Several years on, the BEARS has reformed with members who care deeply about the Matari cause. They are determined to maintain the Republic's status as a free, independent power in the world of EvE.

Current members of the BEARS:

Run missions for various Minmatar and Gallente Corporations.
Engage in manufacturing.
PvP, to defend corp interests and never for piracy.
Operate in Hi/Low-sec as well as W-Space
Are allowed to do anything else, as long as it is honourable!

We are composed of a friendly bunch of mature players. We like to have fun, and with a strong team ethic, someone is always running an Op meaning there is always something to do in the BEARth.

Current Rolling 12 Month Plan for 2012:

Expand our Network of PoS establishments
Grow and maintain a Capital fleet to defend our interests.
Further Develop our Expertise in Manufacturing.
Recruit new members having potential to grow with corp.

What we look for in new players.
Great Attitude, anti-pirate, and over 14 days old. Trial players are welcome to hang around with us in public.

Headquarters: not yet

Public Channel: not yet

BEARS. Freedom, Honour, Pride

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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