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Six Times Nine
Name Six Times Nine
Ticker XLII
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-06-11
Closed 2014-12-12
AllianceID 99000806





Some hundreds of years ago a book was found, which is said to have originated from the Earth. The book was very damaged but some parts are recovered. The title of the book had the word "Guide" in it. Most commonly its believed that the tittle must have been: "The guide to truth" or one close to it.
Between the parts that were still readable there was discovered that the full book once contained, as is stated in the book, "The Ultimate Question To The Meaning Of Life, The Universe And Everything". Unluckily there is little more left. Two phrases remained. "Six Times Nine" and "42". Till this day scientist try to find the meaning of these mystical sentences, but with very little luck. To honour this and to show we are also looking for the truth we adopted the phrases in our alliance name.

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