Alliance Share

The Lucian Alliance.
Name The Lucian Alliance.
Ticker CASA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-07-05
Closed 2017-03-14
AllianceID 99000902





The Lucian Alliance is an organisation of humans from a number of sovereign planets who have taken control of the resources and technology left behind after wormholes collapse.

Not unlike the mafia or street gangs from our own fair planet, the alliance is made up of power hungry criminals who use violence as a means of enforcing their dominion.

Leadership is tenuous and constantly changing but the association itself is formidable and must be taken seriously. The control a sizeable army and numerous Hatak vessels (or former Amarrian Dreadnaughts) as well as a fleet of smaller frigates and bombers.

The Lucian Alliance is also known for ensuring the servitude of less fortunate followers through the distribution of a drink like substance known as CASA (quafe).


A Wormhole alliance made of PVPers and INdustrialists from all timezones.

Recruitment is CLOSED.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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