Alliance Share

Red Star Division Alliance
Name Red Star Division Alliance
Ticker GFF
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-10-30
Closed 2014-07-04
AllianceID 99001309






We have a vision to be a part of them ..... Welcome to the Dead Man's Shore.

The Red Star Division Alliance is a member of the NRDS Coalition [NCA], a galactic network against piracy.

A little introduction:

This project opens up new avenues for established corporations. Because the project offers them the opportunity with other corporations to achieve goals together. Whether mining, industry, Hauling Service or Mission Running.

The DMS is the composite of Corporations, each chain is only as strong as its weakest link!

You want to expand your fleet, your fighting spirit, your industries? We can gladly arrange a meeting in the alliance's own Teamspeak.

1. Chief Executive Officer - ResidentEvel
2. Co Chief Executive Officer -
3. Head Diplomat -

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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