Alliance Share

Vikings In Space Alliance
Name Vikings In Space Alliance
Ticker VISA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-12-28
Closed 2015-03-02
AllianceID 99001514





Vikings In Space Alliance [VISA] was created as an extention of the Vikings in Space [VKGIS] corporation to allow very small/solo corps to join while maintaining a financial firewall.

The goals of VISA are two pronged.
1) Build a coorperative and entrepenurial industrialist network as our financial underpinnings
2) Develope an elite fighting group, with well practiced and reseached tactics to protect and expand in size and territory.

The methods of VISA are key to future success. Developing and communicating good practices as well as developing leadership within the organization are essential.

Strure in game for more information and TS3 guest registration


Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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