Alliance Share

Knight's of the Black Sun
Name Knight's of the Black Sun
Ticker KBS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-01-16
Closed 2013-11-06
AllianceID 99001598





A Militeristic Dark Brotherhood

The Black sun was founded by a brotherhood of veterans out of a need to support friends withought the constraints of politics. To anger a Black Knight is to risk the wrath of a nation!

With a heavy focus on PVP coupled with a strong Strategic Industrial support network the KBS war machine can be mobilized at a moments notice. To Deploy to the furthest reaches of the eve universe defending assets or settling disputes.

With a dogged determination to seek the most rewarding Funfilled Adrenaline Soaked Space Experience.

The RED sun rose, fell, and came up BLACK

Diplo Contacts
US: LeSkunk,

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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