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Zombie Mayhem
Name Zombie Mayhem
Ticker ZOMBI
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-02-03
Closed 2014-02-05
AllianceID 99001658





Zombies have been confused with many other monstrous creatures. Monstrous will try to make a clear distinction between the different entities that proceed from death.

Some zombies have the appearance of the living but their lack of compassion and souls give them the appearance of mechanical robots.

Other display visible signs of desiccation, decay and emaciation on their face and body. They have blank, expressionless faces that become more animated when they get hungry and engage in a feeding frenzy.

They are incapable of speech, but often tend to make moaning and guttural sounds. They are normally encountered wearing whatever clothing they wore in their human life, prior to reanimation.


A zombie is a creature that appears in books and popular culture typically as a reanimated dead or a mindless human being. They are among the lower forms of the undead, and often appear in large numbers. No one is certain about the origins of these pathetic and horrible things.

Stories of zombies originated in the Afro-Caribbean spiritual belief system of Vodoo, which told of the people being controlled as laborers by a powerful wizard. BEWARE, THE MAYHEM COMMETH

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