Alliance Share

Shattered Empire
Name Shattered Empire
Ticker SHEM
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-02-04
Closed 2013-06-09
AllianceID 99001663





Future Citizens of the Empire,

Dream big. Some people have small dreams with small ambitions, leaving only the desire to make ISK, run missions, and mine for personal wealth; that's perfectly fine, but the leaders of Shattered Empire know from experience that entrenched long-term EVE is fundamentally coupled with long-term goals. We created this Alliance in February of 2012 with one simple mandate: join together to protect ourselves from those who desire to use force without justification against those who wish only to peacefully engage with the prosperity of New Eden.

Now, we dream bigger; we are aware that big dreams are always seemingly a long way off, but know that the struggle to achieve them will be glorious. Shattered Empire will expand, retract, and expand again, as is the cycle of any Alliance in New Eden. However, we have a fixed goal to aim towards: sovereignty of our own space.

To that end, Shattered Empire's backbone is with mining professionals, industrialists, mission enthusiasts, and those who defend the peaceful way of life with weapons of destruction, All of these 'parts' working together and building friendships, while recruiting new pilots and corporations into Shattered Empire who believe in the ideal that an Alliance can be built and an Empire be created where the goal is not domination and power for the sake of domination and power, rather power used wisely for the sake of its members with the focus to create a haven for pilots to conduct their trade without being coerced, bullied, ganked, or declared war upon for the mere sake of another pilot's entertainment.

“I have seen a land shining with goodness, where each man protects his brother's dignity as readily as his own, where war and want have ceased and all races live under the same law of love and honour.

I have seen a land bright with truth, where a man's word is his pledge and falsehood is banished, where children sleep safe in their mother's arms and never know fear or pain.

"I have seen a land where kings extend their hands in justice rather than reach for the sword; where mercy, kindness, and compassion flow like deep water over the land, and men revere virtue, revere truth, revere beauty, above comfort, pleasure or selfish gain. A land where peace reigns in the hill, and love like a fire from every hearth; where the True God is worshipped and his ways acclaimed by all.”
― Stephen R. Lawhead, Arthur

Our goal is without question some way off, but with the right people encompassing the right attitude, we will get there. You, your corporation, and those you have already created deep friendships and bonds with, are encouraged to consider working together in Shattered Empire to build the haven we seek to create. It is for this reason that this mail is not the standard 'join us' request; I see a lot of corporations who claim to want these things in their description, but only together do the 'good' of New Eden stand a chance of establishing such a place.

I hope you will consider joining the Empire. You can speak to us on the channel: SE Recruitment

Samued Ryan
Emperor of the Shattered Empire
Emperor: Samued Ryan
Lord of Mineral Aquisition: Jessa Longwave

Looking to be an Ally or a member?
Join us on SE - Recruiting

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