Alliance Share

Name White-Lotus
Ticker WL
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-03-18
Closed 2014-04-27
AllianceID 99001855





The White Lotus alliance is a gathering of Minmatar Warriors and their allies, who have united to resurrect a secret society that was founded to resist Amarrian slavery and oppression.

The White Lotus adheres to principles that oppose all forms of aggression and oppression. We protect the weak and the non-combatant, and strike against all who seek to harm the innocent and oppressed. Although the original Order of the White Lotus was a Vherokior tribal sect, it has transformed to embrace all Minmatar tribes and seeks to gather all who would opposed Amarrian tyranny.

The new White Lotus is no longer a secret society but an open military order, a member of the Tribal Liberation Force militia of the Minmatar Republic. We eschew the more privateering practices of other militia organizations, instead choosing the higher path of focusing on protection of the Republic and its citizens, fighting to free our brethren still enslaved within Amarrian space, and securing the space lanes within the Republic for trade and commerce.

Diplomats: (us) and Ma Zhiqiang (eu)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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