Alliance Share

Asgard Supplies and Logistics
Name Asgard Supplies and Logistics
Ticker SGRDS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-04-16
Closed 2013-04-19
AllianceID 99001985





Asgard Supplies and Logistics is an association of highly skilled sworn in veterans aiming to combine their abilities and their knowledge to achieve common goals for the greater good. Each of our members is a luminary in their own field of expertise.

Our activities include, but are not limited to, the strengthening of the regional economy by production and delivery of military-related and civilian supply goods, accountancy services, reconnaissance and special strategic military operations.

We aim to maintain peaceful contacts with all residents of the universe and operate on a NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot) basis. You need not fear any reprisal from our side unless you gave us a really good reason to bother you.

Application status for new corporations is invite-only, as we prefer to maintain a general atmosphere of trust within our alliance.

If you wish to contact us, please evemail John Asgard or any of our other members.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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