Alliance Share

Ticker FENIX
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-04-17
Closed 2014-12-22
AllianceID 99001987





In fire we will rise.
In fire we will forge.
In fire you will die...

We are a federation.

Political this means:
- Alliance management will not interfere in corp policy and corp management except in matter of disturbance of external and internal diplomacy.
- The central government has limited powers, but is present as crisis manager, directional advisor and decision maker when needed.
- In times of financial, industrial, scientific, security and educational needs, we will help each other, but only when requested.
- We will use each other's strengths to cover our weak spots. Everyone can add his value to the alliance, but is not obliged to do so.
- The states respect each other in their way of management, policy and values.

We are INFERNAL and can only rise.
We are FENIX. Born in fire, we will rise again.

Diplomatic channel: INFDIP

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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