Alliance Share

Female Breast Inspectors
Name Female Breast Inspectors
Ticker FBI
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-05-03
Closed 2014-02-04
AllianceID 99002064





Tired of the ridiculous wait for Material Research and Time Research slots at NPC stations? We provide these slots without the lengthy wait times.

This is how it works.

Simply have your corp join our alliance. Any researcher in the alliance can use the labs by renting a corp office in a system where our labs exist. You can then remotely manage your research jobs from there. You will need the skill Scientific Networking trained to level 1.

This works just like it would if you were researching in an NPC station. The difference is a player gets paid for the research instead of an NPC AND you don't have to tolerate the very lengthy wait for a free slot, even better the labs are 25% faster.

What will this cost?

As we add more corporations providing the lab service, prices can vary slightly from one to another and are maintained by each individual corp in the Alliance bulletins.
Only ME and PE prices exist, because those are the only lab types available through the alliance due to Eve game mechanics. In order to use Copy or Invention slots you must a member of a corp that is running labs on a POS.

In addition to the lab prices, there is a monthly fee of 2 million ISK per corp (or 10 million per POS corp), to cover the alliance maintenance fee.

How to Join as a research corp?

1. Send a mail to Ceasar0506 stating you want to join as a research corp.

2. Send an application to join the alliance by going to Corporation > Alliance > Rankings > Click the "Show All" button at the bottom, and right-click "Female Breast Inspectors", selecting the "apply to join" option. Then send Ceasar0506 2 million ISK to cover your first month.

2. Once accepted into the alliance just choose a system from our lab list and rent an office at one of the stations in that system.

3. Put your BPOs in the CORP hangar and select a type of research to perform. (To research you'll need Scientific Networking level 1)

4. When starting research and selecting your installation, set Activity to either material Research or Time Efficiency Research, set Location to Any, set Range as "Current Solarsystem" and set Type to "Alliance". The Alliance labs that are available will show on the list. Select them as you would an NPC lab. When your research is done, the BPOs will appear back at your corp hangar, except now they are researched.

How do I join as a lab provider? (POS corps plan to run their own POS with labs to offer to alliance members which can generate an income for your corp)

1. Send a mail to Ceasar0506 stating you want to join as a lab provider.

2. Send an application to join the alliance by going to Corporation > Alliance > Rankings > Click the "Show All" button at the bottom, and right-click "Female Breast Inspectors", selecting the "apply to join" option. Then send Ceasar0506 10 million ISK to cover your first month.

3. Once your tower is set up you will maintain your lab prices in the Alliance Bulletins.

4. We suggest you Advertise to increase your income.

If you have any questions, please contact Ceasar0506through EVE mail.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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