Alliance Share

Severasse Militarized Mining Union
Name Severasse Militarized Mining Union
Ticker SMIMC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-05-08
Closed 2017-03-16
AllianceID 99002085





A Militarized Industrial Alliance that dabbles in every aspect of EVE with plans for ultimate Sovereignty.

-We have a TS3 server but joining isn't mandatory
-We welcome both EVE and Dust players/corporations
-We have an Alliance Ore Buyback Program
-Monthly Alliance Lottery
-We have an established Alliance Navy with ranking program and full ship replacement

Recruitment for corporations is currently open. Contact
Danik Severasse, Delta-Heavy, Drraventlwml, or Trajan Libertas to learn more and we will set up a meeting to discuss it further.

Alliance Executor:
Danik Severasse
Director of Security: Trajan Libertas
Director of Ore Buyback Program: Drraventlwml
Director of Capital Construction: Electro522
Director of Mining: Star-rider
Director of Industrial Enterprise: Ariel Olerie
Honorary Director: Quasar Starshadow
Webmaster: Endor Darient

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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