Alliance Share

Social Experiment with Destructive Intentions
Name Social Experiment with Destructive Intentions
Ticker -SE-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-05-25
Closed 2013-12-13
AllianceID 99002148





Call us Social Experiment...

We are a group of Independent Pilots and Corporations whom...
1. Respect that RL comes first.
2. Respect each other and their game play
3. Pursue a desire to work together and enjoy this game while achieving prosperity
4. Dislike alliances that dont respect
points 1 and 2.
What we offer is

1. A group of people who are more like family, And have your back, Plain and Simple. We teach you how to fish for a life time, rather than give you a fish and send you on your way.
2. Help In All Aspests of the game. We work together, like a family.
3. Jumpclone Assistance
4. TeamSpeak Server

Any Questions, contact an Alliance Diplomat


Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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