Alliance Share

The Nova Foundry
Name The Nova Foundry
Ticker TNF
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-05-31
Closed 2014-09-29
AllianceID 99002165





The Nova Foundry is a Sov Alliance. New corporations interested in joining must have 30+ active members and be primarily PVP. To discuss corporation membership, please speak to the HR Director.

Recruitmen Status: OPEN

Alliance Contacts
Mino Noud (Exec)
(Head Diplo)
(HR Director)



For allied comms issues contact

Please note that only agreements negotiated with the listed contacts are considered valid by The Nova Foundry.

NB: No we will NOT return your money if you were scammed by someone, unless you are one of our blues. Sorry.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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