Alliance Share

Synthetic Systems
Name Synthetic Systems
Ticker .SS.
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-07-15
Closed 2015-03-23
AllianceID 99002266





A Alliance carving through the fronteir of space.

A Industrial/PVP 0.0 alliance.
We do All the things as much as we can.
Looking for new Pvp corps to expand our abilities

Diplomatic contacts:
Moon litshadows , Commissar khain

Recruitment Contacts
Russ Sorvi
US: Moon litshadows

German: Ray kane

Au:Cassandra Beckinsale

For any orders busniess or otherwise Contacts are the following
Cassandra Beckinsale
Raven Ambrye
Ray Kane

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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