Alliance Share

Freemen Alliance
Name Freemen Alliance
Ticker FRMNA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-08-19
Closed 2015-04-04
AllianceID 99002374





The Freemen Alliance is a loose association of corporations with the common goal of mutual assistance. Each corporation is itself a loose association of pilots who engage in fleet operations that support their personal goals. It is the highest ideal of the alliance that freedom of action at the individual level is every pilot's right. Every pilot in the alliance is free to participate in organized activities as much or as little as they wish.

Every corporation within the alliance is based in a different region. Pilots join an alliance corporation based on the region they will operate near most of the time. Each corporation is organized into one or more divisions, each with its own divisional hangar space. Division leaders are responsible for organizing, scheduling, and communicating fleet operations. Some division leaders may optionally have one or more assistant leaders to help them. Divisions are not limited to one type of operation, though most will specialize in one or two. Examples of the various types of division operations include (but are not limited to) mining, missioning, exploring, PvE, PvP, etc. The leader of each division and the division's specialization will be posted in the corporate bulletin board. There are also different levels of fleet events. A scheduled event may be open to only division members, any corporation pilot, any alliance pilot, or any pilot in New Eden.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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