Alliance Share

Name Void-Legion
Ticker -VL-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-09-12
Closed 2014-05-15
AllianceID 99002437





Contact: Viscis Breeze for Diplomacy Issues

Void Legion is an Alliance of experienced and friendly players who live and breathe all aspects of wormhole activities. If you enjoy small to medium gang PvP and some of the most challenging PvE in-game then we are the alliance for you. We operate from a C5 wormhole with a C3 static as well as roaming in other wormholes and nullsec/lowsec.

Our alliance structure consists of a recruitment corporation () and the main corporation (). Whilst in our recruitment corporation you will be considered "on trial" but still able to join in with all operations, both PvE and PvP. Your growth as a player and knowledge of wormhole life is important to us and we can teach you how to work effectively and efficiently within our group.

We are looking for experienced and active PvP pilots who have a basic or advanced understanding of wormhole mechanics and are keen to learn. In order to apply you must meet our minimum requirements:

- Teamspeak 3 with a working microphone
- 20m Skillpoint minimum (exceptions are made on rare occasions)
- Ability to fly a strategic cruiser effectively
- Ability to fly and scan with a covert-ops scanning ship
- Ability to fly at least one complete fit from our fleet doctrines
- An active PvP killboard

In addition to these minimum requirements we also look for:
- Extra/Extensive PvP Experience
- Previous wormhole experience
- Basic PI skills
- POS Gunners
- Capital Pilots

In return for your application we offer (as an alliance):
- A group of close and experienced members who enjoy all aspects of wormhole activities.
- Small/Medium gang PvP roams with members some of the most fun in EvE.
- A robust SRP (Ship Replacement Program) to cover PvP costs on operations.
- Tried and tested alliance fittings for your PvP and PvE ships.
- High activity based in an EU timezone with active USE and USW members.
- C5 sites run with full capital escalations, between 700m-1300m per site!
- A C3 static which is constantly rolled, creating a endless supply of C3 sites and pvp targets.
- Secure storage for your items (PHAs : 200km³) and divisional storage for ships.
- Member Access To WH PI (0% Tax)

Interested in Joining? Jump on our Public channel "Void-Legion" and talk to our recruiters , or

Alternatively send one of us a mail or reply in this thread and we'll get back to you asap.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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