Alliance Share

FC Alliance
Name FC Alliance
Ticker FCA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-11-16
Closed 2013-04-18
AllianceID 99002645





FC Alliance is accepting Incursions, Mining/Industrial, PvE corps.
Standard fee of 2 mill isk ( 2.000.000,00 isk ) per month per corp.

FC Alliance hopes and dreams:
- To be a huge presence on the incursions scene,
and be recognized as a strong fleet.
- To be able to fill the market with items at a corp and alliance level.
- Be able to mine safely in highsec once again!!!!
- Have fun and do crazy shit that may or may not be documented.
- Build a community in and out of eve.

For more information, contact alliance diplomat:

Or join the alliance Channel:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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