Alliance Share

Bebop and Rocksteady Henchmen Academy
Name Bebop and Rocksteady Henchmen Academy
Ticker BBAWP
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-12-14
Closed 2015-02-16
AllianceID 99002729





Public Channel: Bebop Pub

Many investigators and journalists have reports on wrecks and captives being traced back to the Academy.

Media outlets and factions state the interests of the Academy are to train pilots to be high quality assistance to high ranking officials. Several graduates from the academy have assisted high ranking officials in many Empire, Militia, and pirate factions.

Many unofficial and official investigations made by faction powers that be state Bebop and Rocksteady Henchmen academy is mainly an arms dealer and merc group.

Many miners and prisoners of war in possession of student I.D. cards during interrogations stated they have taken classes, but mainly they’re there to assist and receive kickbacks during high sales as well as being paid for mining.

Other graduates found in all types of space who work for the interests of their actual employed corporations and alliances also serve as salesmen for the Academies arms ring.

Although these findings are backed up by evidence, there are many actions and assets owned by the academy that are still under investigation.

Potential recruits and all inquiries join channel:
Bebop Pub

Recruitment pilots, corporations, and purchase inquiries all contact Nuuk.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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