Alliance Share

Lucidus Subjugatus
Name Lucidus Subjugatus
Ticker LUCID
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-02-17
Closed 2014-03-17
AllianceID 99002966





LUCID Alliance - "Lead, Follow or get the Fuck out of the way."

-- About Us -->

• North America TZ Evenings are our Primetime
• Faction Warfare; High Sec/Low Sec PvP - Caldari Militia
• Experienced, Tactically Knowledgeable FC's; (We also hold legit, thorough FC training courses)
• Disciplined, Well Trained Battlecomms; Are conducted during ALL sanctioned PvP fleet actions. (Laid back, tight knit community and much adult humor when OFF battlecomms - Military precision and execution DURING battlecomms)
• Veterans and Non-Veterans Welcome; Our Alliance has a place for members & member corps that are both new and experienced in PvP alike.
• Leadership; Senior Officers of LUCID all have extensive experience in management and/or leadership from Real Life Careers.
• Regularly Scheduled Events; Nightly events such as PvP Death Fleets, PvP Training sessions, PvP Fleet Movement Training, FC Training, Logi Training, Scout Training, mission running, and much more. We know you have a busy schedule, therefore we make it easy for you and your corp to plan ahead for which nights work best for you!
• Training Ships Program; All ships needed for all training purposes are 100% provided.
• Ship Replacement Program; Ships lost in Alliance sanctioned fleet actions are 100% covered.
• Strong Industrial Backbone; We have a place for your mining & industrial alts as well... keep the isk in Alliance!

-- Member Corp Requirements: --?

• Teamspeak Capability; Member corps provided with their own teamspeak channel and subchannels in LUCID's private, secure Teamspeak server. (We take cyber-secutiry of our group VERY seriously!)
• Fair Treatment; Highly active, friendly, adult atmosphere. We're all grown ups here and tell plenty of d*ck jokes regularly. However, we also know the difference between someone who's joking and elitist pricks who play EVE only to talk down to people. We do not tolerate know it alls, elitists or condescending pricks. Our philosophy? If you are knowledgeable in the game, why not pass it on to help your teammates? Save the negativity for the enemy.
• 18+ Yrs Old Minimum; Our group is comprised of many military or ex-mil, some parents, some going to school... pretty much from all walks of adult life. 18+ years old, no exceptions!
• No inter-Alliance Drama; Our member corps do not have to deal with drama such as inter-alliance "feuds", theft, mistrust or screaming children on our Teamspeak. Drama kids and corps are ousted swiftly and without remorse!!!
• Positive K/D ratio: Your corp's current Killboard does not have to be in the positive when joining, but your contributions once in LUCID must be K/D positive. We are not into suicide, losing ships is not our idea of a good time, nor is it our goal... destroying the enemy's is. And we can't destroy the enemy if our members are "addicted" to just handing killmails over to the enemy.
• WIllingness to Learn; ALL players in EVE will always have something to learn, it's a never ending process. Even the most experienced of corps must have the ability to join our fleets and training events and get familiar with how our group works in particular. The more unified a group is, the more lethal it becomes.
• Required Attendance; All Alliance-Wide PvP fleet nights require attendance from all members of all corps who are ONLINE and ACTIVE at the time. Being online is not a requirement, we know RL comes first... IF you are online though, you are required to get in fleet and roll out!

-- "LUCID Potentials": Our public relations and member corp recruitment chat channel.

-- Public Relations and Corp Recruitment Contacts:


Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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