Alliance Share

Arete Consortium
Name Arete Consortium
Ticker ARTCS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-02-26
Closed 2015-10-28
AllianceID 99002996





For information please join our public channel Areteconsortium

ARTCS was created by two corporations led by Aluden and Torvald Quick of Scientiam a Unitas and Boss-Dog en Daire of HAND OF OBLIVION to create a democratic and fair alliance based on science and industry with a strong military.
ARTCS has a democratic leadership style which is rare among the numerous dictatorships. All corporations are equally respected and represented.

Diplomacy and Recruitment:
Erokura Anzomi
German Diplomat: Page Gallente

Operational Directors:
Boss-Dog En Daire

Other Contacts:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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