Alliance Share

Saints Of Solitude
Name Saints Of Solitude
Ticker SOS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-03-05
Closed 2014-05-07
AllianceID 99003025





We are PVX

Saints of Solitude is a brotherhood. We share one fate, one destiny, one goal. There is no need of a king, nor is there a beggar among us. We sustain ourselves by drinking of the cup of fellowship. Individually we follow our own desires and pursuit of fortune, collectively we support each other in times of need and hardship. Our blood runs deep.

NBSI or NRDS depending on how you approach us.

Be ye pirate or carebear, wormhole diver or indy tycoon, respect is valued here and rightfully earned.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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