Alliance Share

Name EoN.
Ticker EON
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-04-02
Closed 2015-01-05
AllianceID 99003104





EoN represents what we consider to be an alliance based on professionalism and efficiency. We are a Mercenary DUST 514 alliance focused primarily on Caldari FW/Nullsec PvP & Planetary Sovereignty (soonâ„¢) with a great focus on having our own self supplying industrial sector along with our strong mercenary force. Our present and ongoing close associations in EVE allow us to plan to take on external contracts once we can assure that they don't conflict with both ourselves and our allied interests.

Alliance Leader:
Mavado V Noriega

Head Diplomats:
Victor 'LifeLine' Ramous
Baracka Flocka Flame

Rhapsodyy Darkforce / Caramel Niblet

Recruitment Officers:
Lance 2ballzStrong
Duo H Maxwell
Eugene Killmore
JW v Weingarten

Head of securing gudfites/starting pridewars: Lunamaria Hawkeye

For more info on EoN. check out our thread on the Dust514 Forums.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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