Alliance Share

Omnium Libertatem
Name Omnium Libertatem
Ticker OMBLB
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-04-16
Closed 2013-08-25
AllianceID 99003153





Omnium Libertatem (Liberty for All)

Capitalist Alliance

PvE and Industry Opportunites:

- ore-buyback and ore-for-stock programs available
- occasional null sec alliance mining op
- null sec mining, ratting, and other PVE content in sov upgraded systems
- alliance funded militia program aka RDF ( Reaction Defense Force )
- RDF defense program specifically catered to the needs of miners
- all mineral types generally available for manufacturing needs
- efficient transport of pilot equipment to and from nullsec via jump freighter service
- highly organized management team

Applicants for alliance membership contact .

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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