Alliance Share

Alpha Wolf Pack
Name Alpha Wolf Pack
Ticker A-W-P
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-05-03
Closed 2014-08-05
AllianceID 99003202





Alpha Wolf Pack is a strong EVE/DUST alliance that was created to allow multiple entities and individuals to become one. Our main goal is to conquer sections of New Eden with the allied support of other alliances.

Looking to join? Message

Squad Leaders: (read section 7.3 below)


Please read further before applying:

Rule #1: 1.1 All CEO's are to stay up to date on all new updates or leave someone in charge to monitor the forums and the dev blog. 1.2 Any CEO that stays out of the loop is only hurting himself and his corporation members.

Rule #2: 2.1 If you decide to try and eat other alliance corporation members then you will answer to me under the terms of section 8 of the rules for this alliance. 2.2 As an alliance member you will adhere to a mutual agreement that you can play with other corporations in the alliance without causing a problem.

Rule #3: 3.1 There will be no channels outside the alliance channel on May 6th, if you have a channel after May 6th just let everyone know that it will close down while you are apart of the alliance. This is to insure that we can keep a active channel where majority of our alliance members will be.

Rule #4: 4.1 Wars...I know we all hate them but its time for the PVP ships to all recieve and fresh coat of paint and a nice rub down because you get to use them again. During wars your corporation may be asked to sustain from all daily activity unless by strict convey with an allied force in alliance.

Rules #5: 5.1 Mining operations will be held at designated times that only the participants will know of, any player found giving intel to outside forces that are malicious in nature or withholding of a criminal intent will be reported to the corporation CEO and will recieve a -5 standing docked to their current +10. 5.2 If you recieve a -10 standing in the alliance your CEO will be notified to kick you out, otherwise face being kicked from the alliance all together. This is done to insure that the alliance can function as well as stay on a secure basis for new players

Rule #6: 6.1 Ship Replacement...No I will not replace your ships because I have ISK to burn, during war your ships will not be replaced. 6.2 Any ships lost by an alliance FC will be replaced by the FC's wallet. 6.3 If you decide not to turn your active modules on and you die, it's not the FC's fault. 6.4 Ship Replacement will go through the alliance diplomats to insure the authenticity of the report and the kill mail.

Rule #7 7.1 This is the rule for Dust players. We will be managing our districts under the Directors and Squad Leaders of the alliance. 7.2 Districts will be placed at reinforcement windows based on our "prime time" where we are most active in the alliance. 7.3 Planetary Bombardment will involve a small fleet of cloaky ships that will assist infantry on the planets, these ships are risking their hulls for you so please be patient when they are called upon to assist you. 7.4 Squads are to be led by designated squad leaders of the alliance, all members are applicable to be squad leaders but must submit their application to the Alliance CEO so they may be added to our long list of squad leaders. Squad leaders are requested to recruit from alliance chat first before bringing in players that are not apart of the alliance.

Rule #8 8.1 Any player found cheating or hacking will be booted from the alliance. 8.2 Players found commiting a act of war against the alliance will be blacklisted. 8.3 All CEO's hold these rules to heart as we hold to choice of you staying or getting booted.

This is a brief summary of our rules, please follow them and please ask questions to the CEO if needed.

You may now apply to the alliance!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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