Alliance Share

Lightnings Hand Alliance
Name Lightnings Hand Alliance
Ticker LHA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-05-03
Closed 2013-08-18
AllianceID 99003203





The Lightings Hand Alliance

Hello my fellow pilots, roaming the space-lanes of New Eden.

This is a new alliance putting out its advert for both members to join its founding Corps, but also to find corps out there that will share our goals and help us in the coming months to attain those goals.

This is what we are now:

• We have three founding corps: An Indy corp. as well as a PvP corp. and a standard holding corp
• We have a website and forums
• We have our own Teamspeak 3 server
• We have a Kill-Board
• We have a ship replacement policy for any ships lost in an alliance or founding corp op
• We have a strict set of goals which like many other Alliances have, but you might find ours a bit twisted.
• We have a strict set of rules which are viewable by any alliance member, and are also on the Forums
• We are a primarily a PvP Alliance with a supporting industrial back-bone

This is what we are looking for:

• PvP corps willing to stand their ground to support the goals of the alliance.

If your corp is looking for a no-bullishit and drama approach on the game, look no further! you can find us in (Lightnings Hand Public)

Lightnings Hand Alliance

(Vice President)
(Chief Security Officer)
(Alliance Diplomat)
(Industrial Command Officer)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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