Alliance Share

Khanid Gaurdian Knights
Name Khanid Gaurdian Knights
Ticker KGK
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-05-25
Closed 2013-10-25
AllianceID 99003286





Hello everyone,
We are looking for new members/current EVE members.
We are a true blue rare breed corp. & that's hard to find.
We are a lax corp. towards mining, mission runs, WH, training, incurion, & corp. member effort.
Were broad ranged from just about doing everything from high sec, wormholes low sec n a splash of null..
We as a "team" is what creates and makes grt corps. & alliances.
We are very pilot friendly and are here to help in whatever way possiable.
This corp. has good ppl, we all help each other within the corp. & we all get along.
This corp. is in an overall good area, less BS n less bulling from others.

#1 RULE: We "ALL" get along, we "ALL" help & support one another! We put up with NO-BS! :) Semper Fi

*If you are interested either apply or for more info please message me.
You may apply to the Alliance at Khanid Gaurdian Knights

Thank you for your time and concideration

- - - 1 Beat... 1 Rythm... - - -

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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