Alliance Share

Pax Concord Protectorate Zone
Name Pax Concord Protectorate Zone
Ticker PAXE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-06-12
Closed 2013-10-16
AllianceID 99003354





We are the ones that walk the lonely path. We are thoe ones that ask why not or how come. We are the ones that help people live in peace the way they came into this existence in New Eden. and will not stop pursing all that intends to destroy that fact. From empire space to the boundries of Jove Empire, WE "the people" will fight back against all who try to destroy the peace in this galaxy. and when that day comes when any SINGLE empire in New Eden including tries to overtake the galxy, ALL RACES and all CREEDS will stand behind our gold banner to help defend thier homeland


Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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