Alliance Share

Astromecha Salvaging
Name Astromecha Salvaging
Ticker SALVG
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-06-30
Closed 2015-01-03
AllianceID 99003410





Thank you for your interest with Astromecha. We are a group of Salvagers specializing in the recovery of pirate wrecks, navy wrecks, and player wrecks.

We salvage and loot the wrecks and drop it off at one of our Corporate Hangars. We process the salvage/loot, sell it, and send you isk!
45% Mission Runner
45% Salvager
10% Corporate fees

â—¦No Trial Accounts.
â—¦Integrity: don't lie, cheat, or steal.
â—¦Will: to make isk and to learn how.
â—¦Fun: its a game lets have fun!

How to Join:
Join the channel

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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