Alliance Share

Deep Space Industrialist Coalition
Name Deep Space Industrialist Coalition
Ticker DSIC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-07-05
Closed 2014-01-05
AllianceID 99003432





We are a growing industrial alliance. We focus mainly on Industrial business, host large mining fleets and build capital ships. If you are interested in the next big Indy alliance Please contact one of the following Diplomats:

XxKminorxX - Alliance Leader
Ukyokounji Tenku - Alliance Diplomat
Qui'lae Kishunuba - Alliance Industrial Leader

We are currently renting moons in Highsec Caldari space, and soon renting in Nullsec moons. Please contact either:
Morpheus 'Deadstuff' Fishburne
to enquire about moon rental.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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