Alliance Share

Hate Crime Inc.
Name Hate Crime Inc.
Ticker HATE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-07-18
Closed 2014-05-18
AllianceID 99003473





Words cannot do justice to what is Hate Crime Inc.

The unmatched level of sheer bad-assness that this alliance represents is incomprehensible to the human mind. True, we are friendly to those who call themselves our allies, but cross us, and even our miners will storm you like the fires of hell.

Currently living in a C6
Looking for pilots with 20mil+ sp and able to meet 2 of the 3 requirements below:
Able to fly a bs at L5 and fully T2 fit (preferably armor tanked)
Able to fly a logi at L5 and fully T2 fit (preferably Guardian)
Able to fly a Cov Ops and scan effectively (preferably also able to fly a SB and/or bigger cloaky ships)

Ability to fly a mining barge is a big plus

If interested join Hate Crime Inc. Recruitment

Your adventure starts here.

Hate Crime Inc.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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