Alliance Share

Paper Alliance
Name Paper Alliance
Ticker PAPER
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-07-19
Closed 2013-08-19
AllianceID 99003476





The Paper Alliance,
We are a close knit community of players who have a strong lust for skilled PvP, and Industrial/Exploration gameplay, but above all, play together to have fun.

We are run by a council but every member has a say in the decision making process of our community. We have members from all over the world with varied and interesting personalities looking to expand our horizons to meet the challenges that any game has to offer. Becoming the best and fighting the best is one of the things we aim for when we play EVE online.

The Paper Alliance In EVE Online

After the Paper Alliance was formed, and began to grow rapidly, it was only natural that the Paper Alliance would look to the skies and beyond. We now aim for the unknown, the deep darkness of space.

All that is now big was once small. With this in mind we made The Paper Alliance with the objective of one day rising to the top and becoming a faction to be reckoned with. We know that a lot of effort will be required, but while there is a plan and brave men/women to follow it, there is a future.

The Paper Alliance is currently recruiting pilots, and corps from all timezones. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned veteran of space or a newborn cadet, we will take you as long as you stay true to our rules, ideals and objectives. We are a battle hardened group from many years of living in this dark world and value teamwork and sociability above all else.

We are an english speaking Alliance. It is imperative that your English is good enough to hold a conversation so you can fit in. We use Chats for text communications and Teamspeak, Eve voice and several other programs for voice communication.

As a Alliance we have our own plans for both the short and long run, but keep in mind these can be changed at any point depending on the wishes of our members and council.

-Short term goals

-Establish a base of operations in low sec.
-Establish a production chain to supply our war machine.
-Establish a combat force that is recognized and respected by all.
-Establish a Incursion Fleet
-Have constant PVP ops
-Have constant PVE/Industrial ops
-Have a Strong Industrial Arm
-Have a wormhole colony

-Long term goals

-Establish an alliance that can oppose any force.
-Conquer and control territory in null sec.
-Stay true to our mission of making eve a better place

We hope to see you out there in space. Hopefully you’ll be on our side.

Public Channel: Paper Alliance

Under the protection of: The Devil's Warrior Alliance

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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