Alliance Share

Name Failed-Diplomacy
Ticker FD
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-08-11
Closed 2014-07-13
AllianceID 99003553





Duel are honoured, or you get the boot, unless you'e in a duel and others jump in

Twizted3 razernc you see us out here all the time, do we honor duels?
razernc> yes failed honor their duels.

Failed-Diplomacy is a primarily PvP-Focused alliance.
We offer pilots willing to join:
-Low Sec and Null Sec PvP roams.
-Lots of wardecs.
-Plenty of experience from experienced members.
-Ye olde piracy.

We expect that pilots wanting to join are willing to learn, and meet the individual corporation skill point requirements.
More information found in the recruitment channel:
Failed-Diplomacy Corp Recruitment

Alliance CEO: Airric
Alliance Director: sue Abbott

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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