Alliance Share

The Umbra Combine
Name The Umbra Combine
Ticker TUC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-08-24
Closed 2014-03-28
AllianceID 99003584





The Umbra Combine is an EVE-Dust link friendly Alliance. We are Oceanic active, and Dust focused. Highly social. No drama. No time wasters.

We value hard working, trustworthy corporations that aren't afraid to try something new and fail. We encourage a healthy social atmosphere for men and women alike.

Our leadership is tried and true, we have been through good times and bad and remained intact and have not compromised on our integrity.

Our goals we are working toward are to generate gameplay for our members on the core pillars of EVE, whatever part of EVE you enjoy.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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