Alliance Share

Cosmic Solaris Alliance
Name Cosmic Solaris Alliance
Ticker CSA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-08-25
Closed 2013-11-25
AllianceID 99003587





Cosmic Solaris Alliance is a high-sec based Alliance centered in Gallente space. Our coporations and leaders are well-organized and keeps the Alliance in the proper structure. We are well arounded in all core areas. The Alliance is run as a Democracy with involvement from all member corporations.

United we stand stronger!
We believe in team-driven and newcomer-friendly approaches to the universe of New Eden. Together we can go much further - and faster than playing solo. We supplement each other with our personal skill-sets, All our Alliance members help each other; from mining operations, co-op mission running, exploring, researching to manufacturing and marketing. We are a NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot) Alliance. We do run mock wars for fleet practice as well as conduct PVP roams.

Feeling lost in the extensive universe of Eve? Feel like there’s more to it? Want to expand your horizons?
Your salvation is near, look no further! We can guide you on your path to learn the inner workings of the New Eden universe from the ground and up. With our help and knowledge you will quickly dabble in all areas of EVE. In a universe as open as New Eden, there is always a plethora of new information to be known, together we can teach and get taught as well as help and be helped.

So, what can Cosmic Solaris Alliance do for me?
Well, your participation is all up to your own will really. We have many active members, but we appreciate that Real Life (RL) comes first. We value every member and are here to help you grow, learn and make ISK. Our Corporations offer many benefits that can not be achieved playing EVE solo. CCP/EVE is designed to reward people working and playing together.

What is then required as a member of Cosmic Solaris Alliance?
While nothing is forced, we do believe in an activity-based reward system. The more you participate in corporate and alliance matters, the more you will gain from it. We do however require our members to be active and interested in the corporation they join and Alliance as a whole.

Cosmic Solaris Alliance WANTS you!
Still reading this and thinking it sounds great? Then what are you waiting for! What’s the worst that could happen? You might learn a thing or two and make some friends in the process.

Send a mail to Bailey Swift (Recruitment) and lets chat about your future in Cosmic Solaris Alliance.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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