Alliance Share

Turalyon Alliance
Name Turalyon Alliance
Ticker TA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-09-02
Closed 2014-07-10
AllianceID 99003609





The Turalyon Alliance wascreated and managed by veteran capsuleers and mercenaries.

Production & Trade, Missions & Incursions, Exploration & Wormholes, PvP and Mercanaries are all available, with each corp specialising in a particular field. Retaining a strict not-red-don't-shoot (NRDS) policy, piracy is not an interest or an option.

Each ancillary corporation is recruiting capsuleers or mercanaries to play their part in alliance operations, both in space and on the ground. If you are interested in joining, please read the information available on each corporation to find one that suits you.

Become Your Potential.

Join the 'Turalyon' channel.
(Please contact for diplomacy)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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