Alliance Share

Tardis Unlocked
Name Tardis Unlocked
Ticker TU
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-10-03
Closed 2014-04-14
AllianceID 99003697





For all issues join "Tardis Unlocked" channel.
We are looking mature corporations to get under our wing but we aint adopting your wars so be sure you arent in any when you are applying your corporation in to TU. You can also contact directly to

All issues: i
Diplomacy: e

We value
♣ Mature playing style
♣ Friendly, humble, open and loyal attitude
♣ Good game skills
♣ Social skills

Our main princible is to let players do their things, without pushing or taxing them too hard, supporting the little ones will make us someday big.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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