Alliance Share

Inexorabile Fatum
Name Inexorabile Fatum
Ticker IF-Y
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-11-24
Closed 2015-06-27
AllianceID 99003857





NRDS in Providence and Catch
Sev3rence and CVA friendly

English, Russian and German (others welcome)

Recruiting Small / Medium sized corps

Teamspeak3 Server
Group Operations (Mining, Anoms, Ratting, WH)

PvP experience provided. Small group warfare tactics.

To start living a new dynamic eve come join us on channel
IF-Y Diplomacy
CEO: Xylynex Farqir
Our diplomats:
Enrikke Willhelm (RU & EN)
Rebe11i0n (N/A)
Xylynex Farqir

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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