Alliance Share

Confederate Knights of Mercy
Name Confederate Knights of Mercy
Ticker CKM
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-01-07
Closed 2014-03-09
AllianceID 99004010





A mix of New and old players. That range from Miners and Builder to Fighters and Haulers. We will take part in just about any divison of game play.

If you would like to join please drop us a msg,

In your msg please notify us on what your corp does.

How many active pilots

What your corps priamary roles are.

What you want out of a Alliance.

Where you are located.

Are you willing to do PVP,WH yada yada...

We will review your application and get back to you.

Currently accepting all kinds of corps to fill alliance.

Each C.E.O will hold a spot at the round table and have a say in what the alliance will do.

There will be a exuctive corp that will house the Alliance assets and not be in the alliance this way you Do not have to worrie about Alliance assets and iskies disapiering.

Thanks for looking into the Alliance.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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