Alliance Share

Mindless Ambitions
Name Mindless Ambitions
Ticker LOST.
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-01-09
Closed 2014-05-11
AllianceID 99004020





Mindless Ambitions is an alliance created with one aim, to provide growing corporations support in expansion and recruitment.

We allow younger corps to provide new pilots more people to fly with and talk to while playing.

We are proud to provide alliance based frigate tournaments, PvP roams and trainging with experienced Fc's, PvE mission running fleets, WH daytripping, 23/7 mining boosts, industrial fleets, research and factory slots and much more....

We are looking for non-aggression pacts and blue status' with as many corps, individuals and alliances as possible to create the best possible network for our alliances corporations.
If you would like to contact us for any manner of diplomatic endeavours please do.


Alliance Admissions

Mindless Ambitions alliance members will always hold to ransoms.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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