Alliance Share

Interstellar Alliance Incorporated
Name Interstellar Alliance Incorporated
Ticker IA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-01-11
Closed 2016-06-18
AllianceID 99004033





Mission Statement

The Interstellar alliance specializes in all aspects of PvE.
We are at present a High Sec Alliance offering new members the opportunity to excel in their chosen field of expertise. With an ever growing bank of experience and resources within the alliance, we are quickly becoming a strong alliance in whole.
The Interstellar Alliance is made up of a chain of corporations all helping to achieve the Alliance’s short and long term goals and help prepare and complete areas for the future development of this organisation.
As with any successful organisation the alliance has a number of important rules and guidelines we expect every member to adhere to;)

Alliance Rules

Alliance rule no.1 – The Alliance will be run by Justsoostoned – No hostile actions, No stupidity, No racist remarks or Trust issues, these will result in instant dismissal. Dependent on the issue – player or corp dismissal.
Alliance rule no.2 – Real Life always comes first however participation in Alliance ops from time to time is mandatory.
Alliance rule no.3 – Communication is the key to succeed. It is expected that everyone participates in a good level of comms in either TS3 or the use of the alliance tab in Eve itself.
Alliance rule no.4 – Everyone within the alliance will be required to sign up for our website. This will be a good way of keeping up with everything within the alliance at all times. You will be able to access it from your phone or your computer at work. There is no logical reason everyone shouldn’t sign up for it, and it will be a mandatory ask of new members and corporations.
Alliance rule no.5 - Never bring the Interstellar Alliance Name in to disrepute, you are part of an organization and give up the right to start a war or be a general dick to people in Eve. Any problems with anything please see My self JustsooStoned or your direct line Manager/CEO. If this not welcome by you, then please leave the Alliance.

Alliance Chairman & CEO

Justsoostoned Merkington

Board of Directors

Atrian Atruin
Tahine Sklor
Kawsi Mundane
Lynnaryas Alduin

Justsoostoned Merkington

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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