Alliance Share

Council of Peace and Prosperity
Name Council of Peace and Prosperity
Ticker COPAX
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-01-13
Closed 2014-06-06
AllianceID 99004040





Council of Peace and Prosperity (COPAX) was created by United Research and Development (UWORD) to build on our knowledge and experience while following a few key values and ideals that are important to us:

- We want to provide a great EVE experience to our members.
- We believe in stability, leadership efficiency, comradeship, maturity, fun.
- We value communication, respect, and tolerance.
- We expect fairness and transparency from the leadership.
- We wish to create a friendly and supportive environment.
- We encourage people to step up and take the lead in alliance activities.
- We think real life takes precedence over online gaming.

In term of objectives, We are an industrial alliance that looks to build, supply and maintain a steady market to our customers. In terms of RoE, we maintain a NBSI approach. We are looking for Corporations that compliment our strengths and share our values.

Alliance Head: Brimstone Shu
Alliance Diplomat: Brimstone Shu
Alliance Brusar: Avohab

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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