Alliance Share

Path of Destruction.
Name Path of Destruction.
Ticker PODS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-01-21
Closed 2014-07-24
AllianceID 99004058





"Regardless of your deaths, Or our deaths, There will be a Path of Destruction."

We are a mercenary alliance first and foremost, But we do enjoy fighting not just ganking things like most people in this game. Don't get us wrong we will gank you if you are alone simply because we have lots of people hungry to kill something and we like to killmail whore, So please bring a fleet.

For all those wondering we base out of Sivala so if you are looking for us check there first, Also sometimes we are seen in Jita and Amarr if we are really bored.

Corporation Recruitment: Fastkills
Merc Contractor: h

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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