Alliance Share

plugging holes
Name plugging holes
Ticker PLUGG
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-02-14
Closed 2014-04-16
AllianceID 99004149





We are the Plugging Holes alliance.

We do many things in Eve.

We blow shit up,
We bust rocks,
We suck gas,
We build shit,
We sell shit.

Mostly we have fun and just chill, while rolling holes and talking of hoes. When we want true entertainment, we let the alliance CEO lead us on drunken roams and fraps the whole damn thing. One day it will be on youtube for all to see.

please contact
Shakor Hemdar or Dougy Freash for more info.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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